A touch of the Amazon in Seeham (Salzburg)
A very special kind of cultural exchange took place on March 17th in Seeham (Salzburg). Our biodiversity ambassador Andreas Badinger, together with biologist and botanist Juliana Lins from Brazil, impressively demonstrated that the Austrian cultural landscape and the Amazon rainforest - two worlds that at first glance appear to be completely different - nevertheless have their similarities: both habitats were and are shaped by human hands. As co-creators of these landscapes, humans also bear a special responsibility when it comes to preserving diversity through sustainable management in and with nature.
The event was organized in cooperation with the Salzburg educational institute Seeham, Südwind and Klimabündnis together with the climate and energy model region Salzburger Seenland and BioAustria and supported by the Austrian development cooperation and the state's environmental department.

f.l.t.r. Vzbgm Christian Altendorfer, Kerstin Plass
(Klimabündnis), Andreas Badinger, Juliana Lins, Brigitte Drabeck (Klimabündnis), Anita Rötzer (Südwind), Christine Winkler (Bildungwerk Seeham) und Bgm. Peter Altendorfer
© Bildungswerk Seeham

The Brazilian biologist Juliana Lins and our biodiversity ambassador Andreas Badinger provided the audience at the VS Seeham with a cultural exchange of a special kind.
© Südwind