Robert Hochgatterer

Upper Austria

Robert Hochgatterer runs a mixed farm with 85 hectares of arable land and grassland and 50 fattening oxen.

Commitment to biodiversity:

Robert Hochgatterer has been propagating meadow grass seed since 1989 and expanded his propagation activities in 1995 to include ecotype seed. He now propagates 35 different wild plant species on his farm with the aim of promoting the site-appropriate re-vegetation of destroyed cultural and natural landscapes. He does not shy away from the sometimes very labour-intensive production methods, such as manual weed control or the vacuuming of composite seeds. The workload on the sometimes very small propagation plots amounts to up to 300 hours of manual labour per hectare per year. Robert Hochgatterer also contributes his knowledge as a speaker at the practical part of the LFI (Rural training institute) course ‘Wildflower meadow - planting and care’.

Nominated by:

Theresa Frühwirth, Bienenzentrum OÖ