Nominees 2024

Georg Berger


Georg Berger cultivates 22 hectares of grassland and 40 hectares of forest in Upper Styria. For the past three years he has also been growing potatoes and Tauern rye on a small scale. In addition to farming, he and his family run a guesthouse with rooms for rent.

Hildegard Burtscher


Hildegard Burtscher runs a 40-hectare organic grassland farm with dairy cattle farming at 900 metres above sea level.

Alexander Diethard


Alexander Diethard and his wife run a 12 hectare organic farm in Salzburg. It is a farm of old varieties, including Haunsberger rye, Haunsberger wheat, Haunsberger oats and Binkel (an ancient form of wheat).

Silvia Fruhmann


Silvia Fruhmann runs a 25 hectare farm, which includes 15 hectares of arable land and 10 hectares of forest, with particular attention being paid to the 2 hectare vegetable cultivation.

Klaus Grünberger

Upper Austria.

Klaus Grünberger runs a farm of around 21 hectares, which includes 15.5 hectares of arable and grassland areas as well as 6 hectares of forest.

Andreas Hager

Upper Austria.

Andreas Hager farms on 45 hectares, including 7 hectares of grassland and 38 hectares of arable land. In addition to arable farming and forestry, the farm also specialises in suckler cow husbandry with finishing.

Georg Kanz


Georg Kanz runs a 67-hectare grassland farm, with a total of 26 hectares of grassland and 41 hectares of forest.

Michael Kerschbaumer, Cooperative Kaslabn


Michael Kerschbaumer runs one of the 15 farms that are part of the Carinthian co-operative Kaslabn. The valuable organic hay milk from the member farms is marketed and sold via the cooperative.

Otto Knaus


Otto Knaus runs a 12-hectare organic vineyard in southern Styria and runs a wine tavern. He cultivates 6 hectares of wine and also tends orchards and forests. He is the chairman of Naturpark Spezialitäten Südsteiermark.

Jakob Mayer

Lower Austria.

Jakob Mayer took over his parents' farm in the Lower Austrian Mostviertel region in 2018 and cultivates 18 hectares of orchards. The farm specialises in extensive fruit production, processing and direct marketing, with wild service berries as the main product.

Jeanette Mayrhofer

Upper Austria.

Jeanette Mayrhofer runs a 10-hectare organic grassland farm, which is home to highland cattle, grazing geese and fattening pigs. The meat from the grazing animals is marketed directly.

Gerhard Moser

Upper Austria.

Gerhard Moser runs an extensive dairy farm covering around 26.5 hectares. The farm also specialises in arable farming and forestry.

Stefan Nöbauer

Upper Austria.

Together with his partner, Stefan Nöbauer runs an organic arable farm with 40 hectares of arable land and 5 hectares of grassland.

Petra Poxleitner

Upper Austria.

Together with her son Benjamin, Petra Poxleitner runs an organic farm of around 30 hectares, specialising in dairy farming and chicken fattening.

Angelina Pucher


Angelina Pucher runs a 5-hectare organic farm with an overall farm nature conservation plan. The Sturm-Archehof is located in Heiligenblut at the Großglockner at 1,300 metres above sea level.

Armin Rauch


Together with his family, Armin Rauch runs an extensive organic mountain farm at 900 metres above sea level. The farm specialises in cattle breeding, vegetable cultivation with many special varieties and young plant breeding.

Kerstin Reichmann-Schicker


Together with her husband, Kerstin Reichmann-Schicker runs a mountain farm comprising 26 hectares of grassland and 12 hectares of forest.

Johann Schauer

Upper Austria.

Johann Schauer and his partner run a 70-hectare organic cattle fattening farm in Upper Austria. Half of the land is grassland and half fields. In addition to feed for the cattle, Johann Schauer also grows food grains and alternative crops.

Barbara Schwar


Barbara Schwar is currently actively farming 43 hectares on her organic farm. The farm specialises in the direct marketing of beef and everything else that grows on the farm. Whether orchard fruit, herbs or forest - the product range is based on what nature gives them.

Alexander Steindl

Lower Austria.

If you ask Alexander Steindl, a young organic farmer from Lower Austria, what he specialises in, the answer is: diversity! Different breeds of livestock live on the farm in free-range systems, and Steindl also started with agroforestry in 2020.

Reinhard Stückler


Reinhard Stückler runs a 100-hectare organic farm specialising in dairy cattle and forestry.

Jakob Wagner

Lower Austria.

Jakob Wagner farms around 54 hectares of forest and grassland. He runs a dairy sheep farm and markets some of the milk as sheep's milk cheese and sheep's yoghurt every 14 days at the farm, as well as meat depending on availability.

Josef Emanuel Wanas

Lower Austria.

Josef Emanuel Wanas runs a 2.5-hectare grassland farm together with his parents, where cashmere goats are bred. They also use the farm's own orchards for cider and juice production.

Walter Watzl

Lower Austria.

Walter Watzl cultivates 55 hectares of grassland and arable land on his home farm in the Waldviertel region, while a further 45 hectares are managed in the interests of nature conservation with the freeNature association. Suckler cows with their calves and sheep graze on the land. There are also around 50 hectares of forest.

Johannes Zauner

Lower Austria.

Johannes Zauner runs an arable farm that covers around 37 hectares, including woodland. The crop rotation on his farm is divided into cereals, soya and maize. The majority of the harvest is marketed to local producers.

Nominees 2022

Marianne Endfellner


Marianne Endfellner runs an organic hay milk farm. The almost 30-hectare farm comprises mainly grassland and 3.5 hectares of forest. A 1 ha field is used purely for self-sufficiency and provides feed for pigs and chickens.

Peter Estl

Upper Austria.

Peter Estl runs an organic arable farm that covers 22 hectares, including the forest. The focus of cultivation is on speciality crops that can manage with fewer nutrients, such as buckwheat, einkorn, emmer, spelt and rye.

Karl Gaß

Lower Austria.

Karl Gaß's farm, which he has now handed over to his daughters, covers 100 hectares. The farm is mainly arable land, but wine is also grown and seven forest sheep, including their offspring, graze on the meadows.

Johann Greischberger


Johann Greischberger runs a farm of around 27 hectares. The farm specialises in dairy farming. The farm areas are grassland, which is grazed, as well as woodland.

Vinzenz Harbich

Lower Austria.

Vinzenz Harbich runs a suckler cow farm with subsequent fattening and direct marketing of meat. The organic farm covers around 150 hectares, with the proportion of arable land and grassland roughly equal.

Christian Hermann


Christian Hermann farms around 21 hectares, the majority of which is arable land on which organic fruit and vegetables are grown. The farm also includes extensive grassland.

Ernst Junger

Upper Austria.

Ernst Junger runs an organic tree nursery, which is a centre for old fruit varieties, among other things. He also keeps suckler cows on his 14-hectare farm, with the cows grazing on the land between the tree nursery.

Stefan Knöpfer

Lower Austria.

Stefan Knöpfer uses the farm's 2.5 hectares mainly for grazing animals. Grassland, partly with orchards, and woodland roughly balance each other out on his farm. He also works as a national park ranger and as a tree climber for nature conservation.

Stefan Koch


Stefan Koch runs an organic arable farm. The farm area - overall 74 hectares - consists mainly of arable land, as well as grassland and woodland.

Daniela Kohler


Daniela Kohler runs an organic suckler cow farm. Around a third of the almost 10 hectares of grassland are nature conservation areas. Fruit and vegetables are also grown on part of the land as part of community supported agriculture (CSA). There are also 15 hectares of woodland.

Agathe Lingenhel


Agathe Lingenhel runs an organic hay-milk farm covering 30 hectares. The farm's own organic shop sells a wide range of products from its own production, from jams and honey from the farm's own bee colonies to various dairy products, herbal salts and home-brewed beer.

Jakob Loidolt

Lower Austria.

Jakob Loidolt runs an organic arable farm of around 20 hectares together with his parents. The farm mainly comprises arable land, as well as grassland and woodland.

Johanna Marchner-Pichler


Johanna Marchner-Pichler runs an organic suckler cow farm. The 20-hectare farm is divided into 5 hectares of forest, 10 hectares of common pasture, 5 hectares of grassland for fodder and an orchard. As a trained social pedagogue, she came to farming through her parents-in-law.

Ernst Modritsch


Ernst Modritsch's farm, which he has now handed over to his son, covers around 40 hectares, with an additional 9 hectares leased. The organic suckler cow farm with Galloway cattle is predominantly grassland.

Ernst Mosshammer


Ernst Moßhammer runs a 26-hectare organic full-time dairy farm. He manages a quarter of his meadows and pasture extensively, the rest is mown three times but still quite species-rich. There are also 10 hectares of forest.

Gerhard Paulitsch


Together with his wife Doris, Gerhard Paulitsch runs an organic suckler cow farm with around 22 hectares of farmland, of which 12 hectares are forest and the rest grassland. Fruit growing with direct marketing is also an important pillar of the farm.

Stefan Schmidt

Lower Austria.

Stefan Schmidt runs a 143-hectare arable farm with his family. He identifies himself as an organic farmer with full conviction. He cultivates early potatoes, maize, pumpkin, wheat and much more.

Markus Taibon


Markus Taibon is a mountain farmer and runs a 23-hectare part-time farm with his wife. A large part of the land is former mountain meadows, which are gradually being brought back into cultivation. In addition, 3 hectares of meadows are farmed in the valley.

Susanne Türtscher


Together with her husband, Susanne Türtscher runs a 22-hectare mountain farm with suckler cow husbandry and direct marketing. She cultivates a variety of herbs, processes them into products and works as a herbal educator.

Simon Vetter


Simon Vetter runs a 25-hectare organic arable farm. The arable land is mainly used to grow field vegetables, but also potatoes, spelt and perennial clover grass. The farm also has 1 ha of meadow and 8 ha of permanent grassland.

Maria Vogt

Lower Austria.

Maria Vogt's farm, which she handed over to her son and nephew in 2021, covers a total of around 40 hectares. In addition to grain cultivation, this also includes viticulture, sheep farming and vegetable growing, including farm-gate sales of their own produce.

Stefan Weissl


Stefan Weissl runs a 105-hectare conventional dairy farm. The farm areas are mainly grassland, as well as forest and a small arable area.

Nominees 2021

Andreas Badinger


Andreas Badinger runs an organic hay milk farm with a farm size of 20 ha. The farmland consists of forest, perennial grassland and arable land. Andreas is a biodiversity mediator for ‘Vielfalt am Betrieb’.

Thomas Fankhauser


Thomas Fankhauser runs a dairy farm of around 50 hectares, including his own alpine dairy.

Karl-Heinz Fraiss


Karl-Heinz Fraiss runs a suckler cow farm with just under 50 hectares of land. His own land consists of meadows, arable land and woodland and he has also leased grassland. He is a biodiversity mediator for ‘Vielfalt am Betrieb’.

Eva Glatzer

Lower Austria.

Eva Glatzer cultivates vegetables on 1.2 hectares using permaculture principles with ridge beds.

Hans Gnauer

Lower Austria.

Hans Gnauer mainly cultivates arable land on his farm of around 175 hectares. He also cultivates vineyards, woodland and grassland on his farm.

Alfred Grand

Lower Austria.

Alfred Grand runs arable farming, a market garden and promotes agroforestry systems on around 90 hectares.

Markus Hilber


Markus Hilber's farm specialises in livestock farming with Tyrolean grey cattle and Simmental cattle. His farmland consists mainly of grassland.

Robert Hochgatterer

Upper Austria.

Robert Hochgatterer runs a mixed farm with 85 hectares of arable land and grassland and 50 fattening oxen.

Daniela und Alfons Kaufmann


On the Kaufmann family's 2-hectare farm, vegetables are grown on 3,000 m2 in permaculture alongside the cultivation of orchards.

Michael Kuhrn

Lower Austria.

Together with his son, Michael Kuhrn manages 90 hectares of forestry, arable farming and grassland on the family farm. Michael Kuhrn is a biodiversity mediator at ‘Vielfalt am Betrieb’.

Franziska Lerch

Lower Austria.

Franziska Lerch's 8-hectare farm mainly comprises grassland, which is used for hay and pasture for the sheep. The farm specialises in vegetable cultivation on 4,000 m2, seedling cultivation, seed production and the cultivation of grain varieties.

Peter und Liesi Löcker


On the 8-hectare arable farm, the Löcker family grows cereals, in particular Lungau Tauern rye, and breeds black-spotted Alpine pigs.

Michael Marold


Michael Marold cultivates grassland on the 18.5-hectare farm. The farm specialises in dairy farming with direct marketing of meat and raw milk. Eggs and, depending on the season, fruit and vegetables are also sold in the farm shop.

Tanja Moser


Tanja Moser's farm covers an area of 22 hectares. She specialises in grassland management, breeding rare goat breeds and marketing wool.

Petra Putz


The Putz family runs a dairy farm with organic hay milk, on which they farm around 22 hectares of grassland (including leased land).

Martin Sageder

Upper Austria.

Martin Sageder keeps cattle on his 66-hectare farm. The cattle are slaughtered on the farm and the meat from old cows is also marketed. Grassland makes up the majority of his agricultural land, as well as arable land and woodland.

Hans-Georg Schattbacher


Hans-Georg Schattbacher's farm covers 75 hectares and is based on several main pillars: Dairy farming with his own offspring, holiday flat rentals and alpine pasture and forestry.

Markus Schleich


Markus Schleich runs his 15 hectare farm as a nature conservation business with over 200 landscape elements and a wide variety of meadow types. Ewes and lambs are kept so that the grassland areas can be used as fodder.

Thomas Seebacher


The focus of grassland farmer Thomas Seebacher's 59 hectare farm is on forestry and dairy farming.

Rudi Schmid

Lower Austria.

Rudi Schmid runs an arable farm on 103 hectares with various fallow areas.

Nikolaus Stiebitzhofer

Upper Austria.

Nikolaus Stiebitzhofer's business covers 122 hectares including leased areas. Approximately 85% of this is arable land, the rest is forest.

Solveig und Manuel Thurnes


The Thurnes family cultivates 10 hectares of grassland on their farm. The focus is on breeding old breeds of livestock.

Karmen und Walter Watzl

Lower Austria.

The Watzl family cultivates fields and grassland and keeps suckler cows on an area of ​​around 100 hectares (home business and through the freeNature association). There are also 50 hectares of forest.

Julia Wolf


On her 3.5 hectare farm, Julia Wolf produces organic seedlings with a diverse range of vegetables and herbs. She also creates natural gardens.