Daniela Kohler


Daniela Kohler runs an organic suckler cow farm. Around a third of the almost 10 hectares of grassland are nature conservation areas. Fruit and vegetables are also grown on part of the land as part of community supported agriculture (CSA). There are also 15 hectares of woodland.

Commitment to biodiversity:

Daniela Kohler is particularly keen to preserve a small-scale cultural landscape. In order to maintain and develop the structural richness, a pond biotope was created on the farm and many hedges with different shrubs and trees were planted. Daniela utilises berries and fruit to produce her own farm produce and at the same time creates a diverse range of food for insects and birds. Valuable retreats for nature are also created on the farm through the preservation and maintenance of old orchards. In addition, 3 hectares of wet meadows with a variety of rare plant and animal species are cultivated and thus preserved.

Nominated by:

Ingrid Loacker, Schutzgebietsbetreuerin