Johann Schauer

Upper Austria

Johann Schauer and his partner run a 70-hectare organic cattle fattening farm in Upper Austria. Half of the land is grassland and half fields. In addition to feed for the cattle, Johann Schauer also grows food grains and alternative crops.

Commitment to biodiversity:

In the past, there were few natural structures around the farm. Care was taken to ensure that everything was neatly mown in order to convey to the outside world that the farm was in good condition. Johann Schauer has turned away from this approach and is allowing more ‘sloppy’ areas to develop again. In a nature conservation project with the province of Upper Austria, a pond was created, hedges and trees planted and flower meadows sown. The efforts are already bearing fruit: Johann Schauer is now seeing significantly more insects and flowering visitors in his meadows. The organic farmer is also committed to increasing biodiversity in his community. As a local councillor, he has succeeded in making the municipality a bee-friendly community. He is making sure that there are more bee meadows in and around the village. He has been able to plant regional wildflower seeds in some public areas and thus provide more flowers.

Nominated by:

Waltraud Müller, BIO-Austria und Kornelia Zipper, ÖKL