Tanja Moser


Tanja Moser's farm covers an area of 22 hectares. She specialises in grassland management, breeding rare goat breeds and marketing wool.

Tanja Moser steht auf einer Wiese vor einer alpinen Landschaft

Commitment to biodiversity:

Over 50% of Tanja Moser's farmland is extensive, species-rich rough pasture that is unfertilised. She harvests the rough pastures by hand once a year. The multiple awards at the Vorarlberg Meadow Championships speak for the success of the measures. Tanja Moser is involved in the ÖKL's (Austrian Board of Trustees for Agricultural Technology and Land Development) biodiversity monitoring programme and observes indicator plants and insects every year; she is also the contact person for the project in Vorarlberg. The maintenance of high trunk orchards and special sites, such as a dry stone wall, are also part of the farm's tasks. Raising awareness is a particular concern for Tanja Moser, who shares her wide-ranging knowledge through ´School on the farm´, workshops for children and adults and guided tours of the meadows. She contributes to the promotion of genetic diversity by keeping rare animal breeds such as Original Braunvieh cattle, mohair and cashmere goats.

Nominated by:

Ingrid Loacker, Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung
