Ernst Mosshammer
Ernst Moßhammer and his wife Karin decided 15 years ago of their own impulse to gradually do more for biodiversity. It all started with half a hectare of rough pasture, which they extensivised. They then reduced the number of livestock, stopped giving their cows concentrated feed and reduced manuring. Today, 25 % of their land is extensively farmed. The remaining areas are mown three times and are therefore still utilised less frequently than comparable areas in the surrounding area. Nevertheless, Ernst Mosshammer sees his farm as a completely normal production operation on which nature is also given space. He always reflects on how his cultivation affects the natural environment and has chosen butterflies as his guide animals. Together with entomologists, over 650 different butterfly species have been identified on his farm, including 5 species that have only ever been found on his land in Salzburg.
Andreas Scharl, Schutzgebietsbetreuer