Johanna Marchner-Pichler


Johanna Marchner-Pichler runs an organic suckler cow farm. The 20-hectare farm is divided into 5 hectares of forest, 10 hectares of common pasture, 5 hectares of grassland for fodder and an orchard. As a trained social pedagogue, she came to farming through her parents-in-law.

Commitment to biodiversity:

Johanna Marchner always has nature conservation at the back of her mind in everything she does, so it is very important to her that the farm is run as close to nature as possible. For example, bushes on the species-rich hay meadows are cut down but the roots remain, neophyte growth is monitored and combated, thus preserving valuable and rare habitats. A small moor is professionally managed so that a population of yellow-bellied toads can continue to find suitable retreats. The forest is also to be made climate-ready in the future, for which the farmer is already making plans: The spruce stand will be converted into a mixed stand and the forest edge will be built up in a near-natural way. This will provide protection from storms and at the same time a habitat for beneficial insects.

Nominated by:

Karin Hochegger, Schutzgebietsbetreuerin