Online Kitchentable Talk 17. 2. 2025

17. February, 8:30 pm (Lithuania) / 7:30 pm (Austria):

Biodiversity as part of the marketing concept

With organic farmer and entrepreneur Niels Peter Pretzman from Lithuania and organic winemaker Otto Knaus from Austria

Niels Peter Pretzman will report on his experiences in Lithuania, where he runs a circular food system based on organic and regenerative farming with restaurants, shops, wine bar, bakery and butcher department. Otto Knaus will talk about how he produces high-quality organic wine with the help of an intact ecosystem and sells it in his Buschenschank and beyond. Together with the participants, we want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using biodiversity in marketing.

The kitchentable talk will take place in two languages ​​(German and English), there will be a simultaneous translation.

Moderation: Barbara Rems-Hildebrandt and Justas Gulbinas